Friday Evenings 7-8 P.M.
What other people
think of Microsoft
Hey!! We'll give you the insights to get on the 'net'
and find what you're looking for. We'll help you solve
connection problems, update you on the most current trends and
keep you posted on the status of the Internet.
is taking the
Internet into homes across Nevada. Don't Miss it!
Friday Evenings 7-8
When you're talking about the Internet you're talking a
language that Brian Borysewich knows. Whether it is history,
technology, how to or why, when the conversation is about
issues On-Line the "Net Head" is right at home.
focuses on topics that provide insight into the uses of the
Internet, the tools used in accessing the Internet and
conversations about the Internet.
- E-mail
- Internet Relay Chat
- File Transfer Protocol
- New Technologies
- Tips And Techniques
In hosting the
radio show,
Brian has been able to take his knowledge to the public and
become their resource for information and help with the
Intemet. The "Net Head" either knows the answer or will get it
for you. The show's low key approach and interactivity with
on-line and on-air participation by the listening audience
provides a new facet to talk-radio.
The target audience is the computer user who is now
beginning to explore the Internet or has experience with the
Internet and is listening for entertainment or additional
information on new technologies and products.
Brian's "AVERAGE KIND OF GUY" approach and his clear focus
on this hot topic makes the
show a definate winner.
questions and comments
are taken during the show at surfsup@radiodude.com during the
Ask technical questions, even call in and help others, compete for
prizes and learn about cool and fun web sites each and every show.
Each show and it's broadcast and web sites featured are archived for
your future enjoyment.
Tell your friends about
Nevada's first and only Internet Show
and we'll see you each and every Friday!
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